This page contains links to people and resources that are referred to in blog entries or other pages.
Books by Malcolm and Christine:
Hope for Humanity: How understanding and healing trauma could solve the planetary crisis
The Science of Oneness: A worldview for the twenty-first century
Sustainable Communities: Lessons from aspiring ecovillages
The Academy of Modern Alchemy. Training in shamanic healing techniques developed by Rob Egan and Thessa Egan.
Chris Clarke, author of Weaving the Cosmos.
Steve Taylor, author of The Fall, Making Time, Waking from Sleep, and Out of the Darkness. The Fall provides invaluable insights regarding the transition of human society from Partnership cultures to Dominator cultures. Out of the Darkness complements Hope for Humanity with a stronger emphasis on the potential for transformation through trauma.
Dr Bruce Perry is Senior Fellow of the ChildTrauma Academy in the USA.